Wednesday, June 9, 2010

almost there ..

and by that I mean I'm down to about 9 weeks to go till my due date (hopefully sooner than that) AND I'm ALMOST THERE in terms of being SICK of being pregnant.
What's really scary though is that this is just the start of when everything comes to a close .. because I'll just keep getting bigger from here on out, more uncomfortable, and probably more tired.
This trimester has also gotten me into this really annoying emotional state... where at least once a week I randomly break down for no reason! The smallest things set me off, like an accidental scratch from a cat ( or maybe it was on purpose, who knows!? ) or watching some baby show (probably should stop watching those), or just out right being achy.
I have so many body aches these days which makes being on my feet for any amount of time tiring, but laying in bed doesn't seem to fix that as I get hip pain easily and have to continually switch which side I'm laying on.
Needless to say, I'm about to my "I'm done " point, and I still have 2 months to go.
On the PLUS side, baby's movements are a lot more frequent now, and although he likes to be active when I'm trying to go to sleep, I like feeling it, it's very reassuring.
Oh and last but not least .. I've started to randomly have dizzy spells and hot flashes.. oh what fun!!

Monday, May 10, 2010

sciatic nerve pain

So I'm almost at the 3rd trimester mark (one more week to go) and last week I started experiencing some new non-fun pains!! For 2 or 3 days I had really bad sciatic nerve pain in my right butt cheek and all the way down my leg. Then after awhile it switched to my left butt and leg which is where it continues to be ..even as I write this. I mentioned this to my doctor last week when I went in for a check up and she said if it's really nagging me I can take Tylenol at night just to get some sleep. I am trying to avoid all unnecessary medication though, so I haven't gone that route yet.
I visited my chiropractor today, who is great. She specializes in family care and knows a lot about pregnancy adjustments. She's also training to be a doula.. so she is aware of the changes your body goes through during pregnancy. She gave me some exercises to do to stretch the muscles in your lower back and butt area.. and while painful when I tried them did seem to help overall.

All these aches and pains really make me almost resentful of pregnancy, but I know that " what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" or something like that.. and I'm positive the end will justify the means. But that doesn't mean I don't get emotional .. I had a day last week where I was just fed up. I woke up with bad sciatic pain and was just tired. So pretty much anything I got frustrated with that whole day set me off on a crying spree.. I was a mess.
I hope that I don't have too many days like that from now till the end because it was sort of exhausting and I felt really bad for even feeling negative about it.

Here's hoping for a manageable next 3 months ..

Saturday, April 17, 2010

.... pregnancy!

So I know I haven't updated this in forever.. but now that I don't have a job, I can't say I have much to be annoyed with ...
The one thing I can be annoyed with right now though, is PREGNANCY!
Yes, I am pregnant with our first soon-to-be son! I'm a little over half way to the due date at this point, and every day brings seemingly new challenges in the journey.
Here is the start of a list of things about being pregnant that annoy me :)
1) SLEEPING! It's the worst..
I knew from the get-go that I would have to eventually learn to sleep on my side (instead of stomach which is my normal position) so I started early trying to learn this. I was okay with it at first, but now that I'm getting larger in the stomach region everything seems to press downward! (gravity is a bitch) As a result, whichever side I'm laying on starts aching, so then I have to roll over. Which causes me to wake up because I have to have a pillow propping up one leg, or between my legs, so when I have to roll over I have to physically move that pillow from one side to the other.. ugh! Needless to say I don't sleep all that well at night, which I think contributes to my fatigue (on top of just regular pregnancy fatigue) during the day.
2) SEX! or rather .. "what is sex??" I don't know about other pregnant folk, but it has be so infrequent that if I ponder it too much I'm depressed. My loving hubby is being amazingly patient about it, and that makes me feel almost more guilty. I don't know why it doesn't interest me all that much, I suppose some of it is fear of the unknown?? If anyone has thoughts on this, I'd love to hear them.
3) RANDOM ACHES & PAINS! Every day I wake up something new or different seems to ache. Most days its my very lower back... especially if I haven't stretched before getting out of bed. But also, starting around 19 weeks, I started experiencing round ligament pain. At first it was almost debilitating to just get around, and I thought something was truly wrong. But it slowly improved to be only annoying on the days I do too much physical activity.. but finding what is "too much" has also been a learning experience (it seems to change all the time)
4) Pregnancy Brain - which for me hasn't been all that bad, but I do find myself forgetting things that I wouldn't normally or just feeling a bit clueless about a situation. This woman at a store even said she could tell I was pregnant by the look on my face of utter confusion, hahaha.
The best way I can describe it , is just a sort of cloud that impedes your ability to process everything normally or quickly. Let's hope this improves after baby arrives, otherwise I'll be in trouble. (probably good I don't have a job right now)
5) .. (I found a new one) - ALLERGIES! - I think a lot of people, my hubby included, have been having abnormally annoying allergy symptoms this spring, I think its due to the fact that it got really warm fast and everything bloomed all at once instead of slowly! In any case, my allergies and just general nasal comfort has been negatively exacerbated by pregnancy. I only really found that I had allergies at all, a few years ago, when we first adopted our 2 cats. I had never had pets before (due to a sibling that's very allergic and a mother that is semi-opposed), and any seasonal issues I'd had before I never attributed to allergies. But low and behold, I'm allergic to cats, dogs, and the usual tree / pollen/mold items. My allergist said I was a very good candidate for allergy shots, so I've been on that track for about 3 years now. It was working very well .. along with the occasional boost of medication (I prefer Zyrtec-D or Nasonex!). But getting pregnant added whole annoying dimension to the issue, mostly due to the fact that not very many medications are approved for pregnant women, coupled with the fact that I'd like to stay as un-medicated as possible just in case... I am still allowed to get allergy shots, so I think that does help. Mostly though, I just suffer , sniffle and blow my nose, I have good days and bad.. kinda like life!

i'm sure there are more .. I'll keep pondering!

Thursday, June 11, 2009

This list will continue to grow until I die ..

So I'm going to start a list here, of all the things that really just annoy the crap out of me....

1) People that insist on backing into a parking spot - I hate this because they inevitably take more time than if they had just pulled in front first. I have never seen someone make it backing in on the first try. This particularly annoys me when I have to wait for their dumb ass because I can't get by.

2) People that forget that their blinker is on - I hate this mostly cause you never know if they mean to have it on cause they're about to make a turn, or if they are just a complete idiot. I tend to think the latter (hehe)

3) Standing in line, or anything associated with lines - I would prefer to cut off my own hand than to stand in a line for something. Line standing is the biggest waste of time on the planet, in my opinion. Also, have you ever noticed how people will actually get into a line, just cause there is one? It's equivalent to a mob mentality. That if there's a line, that means that you have to stand in it, because there's obviously a good reason for the line... BULLSHIT! Here are some places where I refuse to stand in line... movie theaters (especially when there is an electronic ticket kiosk), the grocery store, DMV ( I do most anything I can via the Internet now, forget about going to that god forsaken office). There are probably many more, so I will add to that later. REMINDER : DON'T BE A SHEEP!

4) Slow drivers in the left lane (or any lane for that matter) - I hate slowness, I think I've mentioned that before. But people that drive slower than traffic is actually moving (I don't care what the speed limit is) should be pulled over and shot! haha ... which brings me to another one..

5) People that drive exactly the speed limit - doesn't every know that you can go at least 5 over (in most places) without getting a ticket? Plus, am I the only one out there who has any sense of urgency?? I mean seriously, it's like this person really enjoys driving, and holding up others, and just in general being a dick.

... to be continued... I found a new one !
6) Paint companies that change their damn colors! Like seriously ... I like a color and am actually able to remember the name of it, then all of a sudden .. its gone! I don't get why they do that? Do they have a set number of colors that they can handle at any given time, and so they just phase out certain colors?? HOW ANNOYING!! GIVE ME BACK MY CoLOR.. bitchas!

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

is common courtesy dead??

I try not to think too deeply about this issue, but when I do, I start to realize all the little things (like sending birthday cards or calling just to say hi) that I do for my "friends" that almost none of them do with an equal rate of return. Now I realize that some of my closest friends are guys, and guys have a hard time managing their own life, let alone providing small gestures of gratitude or interest in others. Is the common courtesy to remember people lost in this day and age?? Maybe I was brought up old school, but when someone sends you something, or gives you something, you should at the VERY LEAST write a thank you note. And hopefully be thinking ahead enough to return the thought. (for God's sake , your phone can remind you of these tasks!)
Another situation on this subject, is inviting people to dinner.
Now, maybe I'm more social than a lot of people, maybe I like to cook and entertain more than other folks my age, but I'd like to think that when I invite people over, maybe sometime in the future they would invite me over. Now, don't get me wrong, I don't entertain just to be entertained. I love entertaining. It's obviously a lot of work, usually. But I enjoy the cooking, I enjoy making the house presentable and I enjoy the company of others in a group setting.
So the situation is this ... a girl whom I used to work with, and her husband, have come to our house for dinner approximately two times now. The only thing we've been invited to at their house was a "keg party" , hardly an equal invitation. And I've mentioned several times how we should "get together" , HINTING at a hopeful invite. So far, nothing.. :(
It makes me sad to think that the people I enjoy spending time with, don't enjoy spending time with me, and therefore don't WANT to return the invite. Is that possible?? I guess anything is POSSIBLE, I would just hope that's not the situation.
I realize that there is an added cost of cooking for more than your family (for us only 2) and the extra time and effort involved to prepare things, clean the house (if you're so inclined) but I would think that if someone goes to those lengths to entertain you, that you'd at least feel somewhat inclined or hopefully WANT to return the gift.

I don't want to be a hermit, holed up in my house, with my husband and 2 cats , never seeing my friends my whole life Like I said, I like to entertain, and we have a good house for it. But its tiring to always be the one to initiate. :(

UPDATE : this girl has since invited, and we went, to a lovely dinner at her house. So I feel bad that I was initially judgemental, but the first part of the post still stands! haha

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

just another manic .. wednesday

I hate Wednesdays. In my opinion they are one of the worst days of the week , the next being Mondays.
I particularly am annoyed today because I just had to take out the trash at my office. Now don't get me wrong, it wasn't a lot of trash. It's just the actual act of taking it out that I get annoyed with.
Some history might help ...
1) when I first started at this office, I noticed an immediate need for a regular cleaning service
2) I mentioned this need to my superior and was told to take the imitative and get bids on what it would cost
3) I got 2 bids, and sent them both to the "manager" of our office, who then choose one company to strike a deal with.
4) we satisfactorily received office cleaning for almost a year
5) several people were laid off or moved to a different office
6) I immediately made a suggestion, via email to the "manager", that to save money we could cancel or cut back on the cleaning service (I was willing to take up the slack during my time at the office, I'm not doing much else :( )
7. I got no response or feedback to this idea
8. Staff was cut further, leaving only 2 folks INCLUIDING myself , at my office
9. "management" decided that , SURPRISE, a good idea to cut costs would be to cancel the cleaning service.
10. I was tasked with notifying, via phone and letter that we were effectively discontinuing our cleaning service.
11. I picked up cleaning tasks during work hours (on the one hand : at least I'm getting paid to do it, on the other : did I really get a business degree to become a glorified maid??ugh)
12. After an initial cleaning, I was scolded for leaving a clean / empty trash can on top of my sup's desk because he felt I was " sticking it to him" . I just didn't want to trip and possibly kill myself while trying to navigate his disaster zone of an office to put the trashcan back under the desk!!!

So needless to say .. I feel I have good reason to be annoyed at this. As far as I know, my sup has not lifted a finger to keep our office clean since I discontinued the service. Which leaves ME to empty the trash, (potentially, although I have not yet) clean the men's bathroom and women's bathroom, clean the floors including vacuuming, dust, wash dirty dishes and take out the trash.
I realize that in this day and age, the notion of "not in my job description" isn't beneficial or helpful to anyone, and I am glad (most of the time) to have a job.. but seriously!?