Monday, May 10, 2010

sciatic nerve pain

So I'm almost at the 3rd trimester mark (one more week to go) and last week I started experiencing some new non-fun pains!! For 2 or 3 days I had really bad sciatic nerve pain in my right butt cheek and all the way down my leg. Then after awhile it switched to my left butt and leg which is where it continues to be ..even as I write this. I mentioned this to my doctor last week when I went in for a check up and she said if it's really nagging me I can take Tylenol at night just to get some sleep. I am trying to avoid all unnecessary medication though, so I haven't gone that route yet.
I visited my chiropractor today, who is great. She specializes in family care and knows a lot about pregnancy adjustments. She's also training to be a doula.. so she is aware of the changes your body goes through during pregnancy. She gave me some exercises to do to stretch the muscles in your lower back and butt area.. and while painful when I tried them did seem to help overall.

All these aches and pains really make me almost resentful of pregnancy, but I know that " what doesn't kill you makes you stronger" or something like that.. and I'm positive the end will justify the means. But that doesn't mean I don't get emotional .. I had a day last week where I was just fed up. I woke up with bad sciatic pain and was just tired. So pretty much anything I got frustrated with that whole day set me off on a crying spree.. I was a mess.
I hope that I don't have too many days like that from now till the end because it was sort of exhausting and I felt really bad for even feeling negative about it.

Here's hoping for a manageable next 3 months ..